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Letrozole is an effective anti-estrogen that will reduce the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
How This Test Is Done
The test takes place in an office. Your test can take place in your bathroom or in a private place and results are released within 72 hours.
Testosterone is a synthetic hormone that is produced in the body. An enzyme called aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen. Because of this mechanism, the process of sex drive becomes slower and the level of the male sex hormone, testosterone, also drops.
Testosterone is thought to play a role in driving aggressive behavior. This can cause problems with the immune system. Testosterone deficiency can also cause an enlarged prostate gland.
How To Get Test Results
There are many ways to get testosterone levels measured, but the most widely accepted method is through ultrasound. A ultrasound is an image of a person’s internal organs, blood and other fluids at a relatively fine magnification. The information is taken and compared against the person’s genetic profile.
A testosterone level is usually indicated according to the number under 500 in the chart below. It would be worth the extra time to get to the top range of the chart with your health care provider.
Getting Test Results
If your doctor decides you have low testosterone levels, it will likely be determined on your own and will not be taken into consideration by medical clinics. The most common ways to get your testosterone levels tested includes:
Follicular Cycle Test
You will be asked to sit for a scan. Once the scan is complete, you will be given questions to answer. These questions will be asked about the results of your test and your history. Your doctor will determine if you’ve had a previous pregnancy and if you’ve taken birth control pills, patches, vaginal ring, vaginal ring, vaginal cream, intrauterine device, or IUD.
A few weeks later, you will receive an appointment for your test. Testosterone testosterone levels will be measured using a special instrument called an Endocrine Discharge (ED) and blood samples will be collected and sent to your doctor.
You will receive the results, and you’ll begin a treatment plan that determines whether hormone therapy is needed. When appropriate, a blood test can be taken to measure your testosterone levels.
You will then have an appointment with your health care provider, where he or she will work with you. You will discuss your concerns, your treatment recommendations and the results from your test.
Testosterone Replacement Test
If you are currently taking testosterone, including an aromatase
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